Journal Archive

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020)

Original Articles

Carcinoid of the uncinate process of the pancreas in a child: An unusual case

AK Chowdhury, JU Ahmed, M Chowdhury, S Sarker


Modulation of nociception by corticotrigeminal pathway- A narrative review

S Ainan


Study on association between echocardiographic findings in COPD patients with severity of COPD

MA Kabir, SD Haque, A Baker, MK Alam, SA Rahman


Food habit of the adolescents in relation with socio-demographic variables in a selected high school in Khulna City

S Paroi, ABMA Islam, MA Hasanat, FT Zohora


Antibacterial effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) against Staphylococcus aureus

MA Rahman, SK Shaha, SD Haque, R Zahan, T Alam, SK Mandal, MSH Mamun


Breast feeding practice among the rural women in selected villages of Dumuria upazilla, Khulna

R Zahan, F Ferdaus, MA Rahman, S Chowdhury, E Zahan, ME Islam, MSH Mamun


Bacteriological spectrum of urinary, wound and respiratory infection with antibiogram of gram negative bacteria in a Bangladeshi tertiary care hospital

NMW Rahman, B Tanzem, G Nabi, A Mahbub, AMM Al-Amin


Sexual and reproductive health needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and the social responses in association with stigma and discrimination

SK Mallick, T Roy


Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of pathogenic bacteria of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) patients through culture and sensitivity in a tertiary level hospital in Khulna

MK Paul, B Islam, KMR Haq, T Jannat, GB Swarnaker, SD Haque