Journal Archive

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015)

Original Articles

Metastatic male breast cancer

MK Sarker, PK Chowdhury, DK Mondal


Cholelithiasis in children: experience from Bangladesh

MR Gazi


Ultrasonographic evaluation of portal hypertnsion

MS Ahmed, PK Chowdhury, AS Mohiuddin, MA Hossain, B Paik


ABO and Rh-D blood group distribution in a rural population of Bangladesh

RM Hira, LK Dhali, ND Dhali, DH Akash


Impact of Momordica charantia (karela) on serum aspartate aminotransferase level in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats

S Mohal, DK Mondal, PK Chowdhury, H Biswas, A Khanom, KM Shamim


Maternal iodine status reflects the iodine status of their breast-fed infants

GM Molla, FH Mollah, MT Milky, DK Sunyal, MI Arslan


Disability adjusted life years among arsenicosis patients in an arsenic-affected area of southern Bangladesh

MS Laskar1, EA Gazi2, BK Basu3, S Chowdhury4, SA Ahmad5, MH Khan6